Wednesday, August 6, 2014

ARS Mascot!

Hey everyone! Here's our new mascot:
I chose an elephant because when I went to the Bronx Zoo, I saw an awareness poster that said "96 elephants are killed in Africa everyday for their tusks. This is what 96 looks like:"
Then it would show 96 elephants, including both adults and young ones. It's a lot more than you think, and breaks my heart that people are greedy enough to kill an animal.. to make what? Jewelry? Vases? Decorations????? They can live without tusks. Elephants can't. :(

Also, if you're wondering why he has blue swirls, it's because our official color is purple-blue/indigo, but that was the closest color they had.


  1. I really want to join, but I don't have a blogger account.

    No! Elephants!

    Anyway, there was something like this on the news:

    Two giraffes were being transported in a truck. The driver forgotten that the giraffe was tall. He passed under the bridge. Seriously? SERIOUSLY? One died due to a broken head (NO!) and the other one was dying (NO!).

    People should be more careful with animals. If they could talk, I bet that they'll tell us how to take care of them and they'll spit out nasty rude comments about us.

    People, ANIMALS ARE NOT STUPID. Go to the Web or something and read amazing things about animals! They saved LIVES!

    Remember the folklore?
    Let me tell you:

    There were two married farmers, one male, one female (of course). They had a friend, a tiger. The couple had a baby. They told the tiger to take care of their baby as they set off to work. When the returned, they asked the tiger whether their baby is alright. The tiger spoke yes, but he had a bloody mouth. Shocked by the blood, the farmer (s) killed the tiger, but the baby was safe. Apparently, the tiger had saved their baby's life and they killed their friend! Geez! What a story!

    1. That's awful... D:

      Some people are even cruel to animals on purpose. The stories get really awful and disturbing. >.<

      So many people bully animals... It's just not right....

      Also, you don't need a Blogger account to join. All you need to do is check back every so often. cx

    2. But... the most common horrible, cruel thing that humans do to animals, are EATING them. EATING THEM!!! Even though supermarkets don't show the real animals themselves, and animal meat basically don't even look like an animal once it's cooked(it basically looks like a combination of blood, meat, and flesh.. Yikes, just thinking about it feels horrible), but when one eats a piece of pork, they're consuming the body of a pig. When one eats a drumstick, they're actually consuming the legs of a chicken. Imagine having their very own legs being sawed off :OOO I'm going to check back everyday :DDD This blog is amazing.

    3. I feel like being a vegetarian, but then I can't live on vegetables forever...

      I'm reconsidering my thoughts...
